POSTED - March 28, 2024
Landmart Public Hearing

Public Notice

POSTED - March 27, 2024

Public Notice

POSTED - December 15, 2023

Revised Flood Insurance Rate Map


Public Notice


CHILTON COUNTY COMMISSION A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CERTAIN EMERGENCY REPAIRS AT HIGGINS FERRY PARK. WHEREAS, the Chilton County Commission (the "Commission") has been informed of the need for certain emergency repairs at the County's Higgins Ferry Park consisting of repairs to the deteriorating sea wall, replacing the existing steps with concrete steps, and demolishing the existing gazebo (the "Emergency Repairs"); WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 39-2-2(e)(l) of the Code of Alabama (1975), "In case of an emergency for which a delay in remedying would cause immediate harm to a person or public property, contracts may be let to the extent necessary to meet the emergency without public advertisement or bidding"; WHEREAS, Alabama Power will lower the water levels beginning September 25, 2023, (completely lowered by September 27, 2023) and raise the water levels on October 9, 2023, (completely raised by the October 11, 2023), which creates a limited window of time in which the repairs to the deteriorating sea wall and replacing the existing steps with concrete steps can be readily accomplished; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Chilton County Commission while in regular session on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. as follows: Section 1. The Commission hereby finds that the need for the Emergency Repairs present an emergency for which a delay in remedying would cause immediate harm to a person or public property. Section 2. The Commission authorizes its Chairman to enter into an agreement or agreements with Southern Oak Construction, LLC to cause the Emergency Repairs to be completed to the extent necessary to meet the emergency. Section 3. In accordance with Section 39-2-2(e)(3) of the Code of Alabama (1975), the County Administrator is directed to immediately publish this Resolution by posting a copy of the same in the Chilton County Courthouse and on the County's website. Section 4. The Commission authorizes the County Administrator to solicit bids for the construction of a new gazebo and repairs to the Pavilion at Higgins Ferry Park. In the alternative, if the amount to be expended for the construction of a new gazebo will be less than $100,000, the County Administrator is authorized to present a proposed contract for the construction of a new gazebo to the Commission for its consideration. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Chilton County Commission has caused this Resolution to be executed in its name and on its behalf by its Chairman and has caused the County's seal to be impressed hereon, all on this 26th day of September, 2023.