Contact Information
(205) 755-0900
Our Mission
To have everyone participate in making America safer through community involvement, volunteerism and training.
Our Responsibilities
- Promote disaster preparedness
- Build community strength
- Focus on public education, training and volunteer opportunities, community and family safety
- Organize special community projects and events
Community Benefits
- Better prepared to respond
- Greater sense of security, personal control and responsibility
- Promotes mitigation
- Promotes community involvement
About Citizen Corps
The Department of Homeland Security sponsors a nationwide grassroots movement to actively involve everyone in America in making our communities safer, stronger, and better prepared for all types of disaster or emergency.
We can do this with personal responsibilities like having disaster preparedness plans and supply kits; promoting home health and safety practices; reporting crime and aiding in crime prevention; and having disaster mitigation measures in place
We can take this a step further by being a volunteer in law enforcement, fire and emergency medical services or by joining a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). The Citizen Corps Councils lead this movement through sponsorship of the following programs: Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), Fire Corps, USA on Watch, Medical Reserve Corps, and Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS).
In May 2004, Chilton County EMA joined this effort by establishing our very own Citizen Corps Council. Currently Chilton County's Citizen Corps Council is sponsoring CERT and VIPS programs with future plans for a USA on Watch Program.